1 1/2 days w/o internet & The Graduation Bear

Monday, June 8, 2009 at 12:12 AM

Yeah.. i just went thru 1 1/2 days w/o internet from 6/6/09 to 7/6/09 Sat to Sun. (And the feeling was terrible)


Cos my router was spoilt! And so i gotta get a new one. Initially i tot everything will be fine once i got a new router.. but who noes.. it was the start to more problems!!

At first, everything was working fine with the new router i had just bought. Oh and btw, its a wireless broadband router.. so means i can use wireless too! (if only i knew how to set it up correctly).

Well, at last i got everything set up correctly and can finally browse the internet using either wired or wireless both connections work fine.. just when i was abt to accomplish my task.. guess wad? Some unfortunate incident happened!!

Suddenly, there was this error… “Limited or no network connectivity” with that sickening yellow icon next to the connection icon. I thought the conn was a bit loose so i adjusted and tried again.. BUT.. however.. after UMPTEENS and UMPTEENS of tries.. it wasn’t successful.. that stupid error keep popping up again and again..

And so, i had no choice.. but to bring it back to the shop ON THE NEXT DAY to get a new one.. fortunately, i was given a new one (but that old one def has a prob just tat the boss of the shop said he was busy so he cudn’t test it and just offered to change a new one for me..) Ok fine.. anyway, i got the new one.. its a different router with a different speed.. previous one was 300mbps.. WOW!! But this one is almost less than half the speed of that previous one.. its only 108mbps.. but who cares?? As long as it can work.. im happy already! Moreoever, that 300mbps is shown as 100mbps on my com..so even if its 108, it still show as 100.. so no diff lah!!

So.. after reading the manual and successfully setting up the router.. FINALLY I CAN USE THE INTERNET!! Whew.. and of coz.. my SIS too.. she was complaining abt not having to use internet cos we shared the cost for the router.. she keep asking me to get it done if not she wants her money back.. zz.. and finally now its working.. so i dun hav to give her back! Just kidding.. im happy cos finally can use internet liaoz..

So this was my 1 1/2 days w/o internet.. it was truly unbearable!! Esp for sis.. she needed it so much that she had to use direct connection to our modem in order to use internet while for me, i ended up with no internet for the whole period.. just slack and rly got nth to do.. But becos of this matter, i also din go out, was supposed to meet a friend but i cancelled cos of this BIG matter.. Sighh.. Alright, there’s always a next time..

Okk now the internet is up finally.. tiring man.. whew..

Oh yes.. there’s another thing i wanna write too.. since it happened ON THE SAME DAY 6/6/09.. i just lumped it together!!

On 6/6/09, me and my fren, CB went to return our grad gowns.. and thats when we saw this cute Graduation Bear at the shop..


So cute isn’t it? It was spotted when we were abt to leave the shop after using the toilet.. and my fren also like the bear.. see our photos with the bear below!

06062009(001)Me and the Bear.. dun we look like gd frens?? =D (see the bear is like tilting towards me? its actually firm and not moving)

06062009(002)How i wish it was mine!!!

Yup, it was a short but good day.. aft that gotta go back home and fix the internet.. So alrights.. tats all for now.. bye!


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